

Having a routine dental checkup will help you keep your teeth and gums free of swelling, decay and tooth loss. A wide range of treatments such as cleaning, fillings and removal of a damaged tooth are included.

Did you know that your oral health can also affect your baby when you’re pregnant??

Poor oral condition can lead to low birth weight babies. So taking care of your oral health during pregnancy is necessary. If your mouth starts to age, the rest of your body will notice.

  • Diagnosis & Treatment Plan
  • Radiographs (IOPA, OPG)
  • Scaling & Polishing
  • Fillings
  • Coronoplasty
  • Extractions
  • Dental Emergencies


A decayed tooth will cause irritation, pain and swelling, at times can go unnoticed. Saving the teeth is our first approach. If you have single or multiple teeth that require root canal treatments, our specialist will do that in single or multiple sitting based on the condition of the teeth. Even failed root canal treatments for those done in past years with older techniques, which are troubling can also be re-treated.

  • Root Canal Treatments - Single Sitting RCT
  • Root Canal Treatments - Multiple Sitting RCT


We take good care of your child’s teeth and their smile as they grow over the years. Periodic application of fluoride varnish for preventing caries, restoring decayed teeth with pit and fissure sealants and crowns are one of the many treatments we offer .We will identify problems early enough to modify their teeth so that they may become confident of their smile and personality in future.

  • Pulpectomy
  • Pulpotomy
  • Extractions
  • Restorations
  • Space Maintanance
  • Fluoride Application & Fissure Sealants
  • Crowns
  • Functional Appliance


Our teeth take support from the bone and gums. If a proper hygiene is not met it can cause serious damage to the gingiva. This can lead to swelling and bleeding and if left untreated can also lead to loss of the supporting bone, eventually resulting in tooth loss. To avoid this routine cleaning of the teeth is recommended once in six months.

  • Scaling & Root Planning
  • Treatment for Food Impaction
  • Flap Surgery
  • Gingival Recession Management
  • Stabilization of Mobile Tooth
  • Frenectomy
  • Crown Lengthening
  • Gingival De Pigmentation
  • Treatment for Gummy Smile


Nobody is born with perfect teeth. Crooked and irregularly placed teeth can affect your smile and confidence. Moving the teeth to its correct position using braces and the most recent method using invisible aligners will help you achieve the desirable smile.

  • Metal Braces
  • Ceramic Braces
  • Self Ligating Metal & Ceramic Braces
  • Clear Aligners
  • Mayo Functional Appliances for Growing Children
  • Orthognathic Treatments


All of your teeth play an important role in speaking, chewing and maintaining a proper position of each other in the jaw. Tooth loss doesn’t necessarily have to occur as you age. But if you do loose tooth they must be replaced to maintain a proper function of your mouth. Various treatments like single crowns, dental bridge and complete dentures can be used to substitute a missing tooth /teeth.

  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Veneers
  • Removable Partial Dentures
  • Complete Dentures
  • Denture Relining & Rebasing
  • Denture Repair
  • Night Guards
  • Full Mouth Rehabilitation
  • 24 hrs Dental Crown


A severely broken, decayed teeth and un-erupted wisdom tooth can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. At times along with the relief of the symptoms removal of the compromised teeth under local anesthesia is the solution.

  • Extraction of Wisdom Tooth
  • Impaction
  • Surgical Removal of Cysts, Absers, Tumours
  • Orthognathic Surgery


Cosmetic dentistry can give you a smile you’re happy to show off. Modern techniques like teeth whitening, veneers, tooth jewellery, treatment for gummy smile can make it easier than ever for you to have a bright, even smile.

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Tooth Jewellary
  • Smile Corrections & Smile Design
  • Hollywood Smile
  • Teeth Space Closure
  • Treatment for Gummy Smile
  • Clear Aligners


Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement of teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. Person who has lost teeth regains the ability to eat virtually anything and smile with confidence, knowing that teeth appear natural. Missing one tooth or many?? Dental implants will help you replace all.

  • Single Implant
  • Multiple Implant
  • Immediate Implant
  • Implant Supported Dentures


What can be more comforting than knowing that the dental procedure you have been prepped for is painless, bloodless and time saving?? Laser dentistry offers you the same with a wide range of treatment options including depigmentation, tooth whitening, correction of gummy smile, pain therapy etc.


One of the unusual complaints like difficulty in mouth opening and pain in the joint often go untreated due to improper examination and treatment planning. Here our well trained specialists’ will help you find the root cause and treatment using appliances and exercises.

  • Management of Jaw joint pain
  • Management of dislocation and related conditions


An area that focuses on the oral diseases including ulcers, bad breath and salivary problems. We have a team of experts for oral screening and diagnosis of oral cancer at an early stage using tissue biopsy.

  • Screening of Oral Cancers & Oral Lesions
  • Tobacco Cessation Treatment
  • Biopsy


What is sleep apnea?? When a person has sleep apnea, their breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, also includes daytime sleepiness, loud snoring and restless sleep. Treatment aims to normalize breathing during sleep and address any underlying health problems based on the course and severity of the symptoms.